whispers from soul & life
listen, feel, taste & dwell in the juice of your own remembrance
music by Patrizia Soledad Portz
lyrics & voice
by Karolina Malgosia Rehberg
'Remembrance' is as a gentle Invitation to go into simple Ritual with your body
Your heart
It is an ode to the moment of Sinking in
when the fingertip is touching the skin
It is an open Invitation to fall into yourself, again.
No matter how many times you've already been there, in communion or pleasure with yourself,
no matter how boring it may sound to you at first, cause you're so experienced
But I hope we all do get to taste the sacredness of a 'new meeting', over and over again:
The holy innocence of a first touch
A gentle breath
A sound
A reconnection with and a Remembrance of our sensitivity, our earth, again and again.
No matter what.
So ordinary.
And yet, so needed.